Outfit of the Month - Stardoll Dresser

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Outfit of the Month

June OotM is here, and this month the outfits chosen were curated by the dolls super_doll13 and baksik7899.

super_doll13's look has a spring-ish aura, with embroidered flowery pants and light-colored pieces and straw items. All the pieces together cost 115sd (with the royalty discount). There are versions for BP and suite of the earrings, and you can also find male versions for the top and pants.

On the other hand, the baksik7899 outfit has more of an urban style with pantashoes and more casual pieces. The whole look costs 120sd and 153sc (also with the royalty discount). The starcoin piece is the Vetements bag. The corset, jacket and pantashoes are also available for male dolls, and the necklace is available for both BP and suite.

As a full look, my favorite is the baksik7899, but I've bought a few pieces from super_doll13 as well. What are your thoughts on this June OotM? Also, stay tuned because you can win one of these complete outfits in our Stardoll Dresser Games this month!

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