Epiphany x Valentino Zodiac Jewellery - Stardoll Dresser

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Epiphany x Valentino Zodiac Jewellery

I think today's release caught everyone by surprise. Personally, I was expecting something Halloween-related, maybe a Callie's Pics. However, Stardoll announced that from now on, we'll have a monthly release of Valentino-inspired Zodiac Jewelry.

These jewelry pieces are inspired by the Valentino spring/summer 2014 collection. The first one to be featured is the Scorpio one, as we've just entered the Scorpio season on october 23.

The collection consists of necklaces and earrings, each available in three different colors: gold, silver, and copper. They all come in beauty parlor and suite versions.

This release will be available for purchase until November 21, which marks the end of Scorpio season. After that, it will be Sagittarius time, I suppose.

What do you think about this new Stardoll idea? I kind of liked it, although these jewelry pieces aren't really my style. Still, it might be a good idea to collect them and create a themed room. Who knows?

Here's what the real-life version of the Valentino necklace looks like. I couldn't find the earrings, so I'll assume they don't have them, and Stardoll was simply inspired by the necklace and created their own version.

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