Evil Panda - Stardoll Dresser

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Evil Panda

Yesterday was the time for a new Evil Panda collection to hit Starplaza, with 23 new items, and some of them (boots and pants) having both female and male doll versions.

The first thing that caught my attention was the pirate cat backpack because of its unusual position for use and because it looks cute. I really liked how the person who designed it decided to bring something to hold in a different position. I hope we can have more surprises like this in the future. Tripp pants also look cool. Other than that, there are some okay-ish pieces. They're not a must-buy, but I might consider getting some of them in a future 50% off sale.

The positive point of this release is that they remembered that in Stardoll we have users who play with male dolls and included male items, even though it's only two pants and one pair of boots. Some of the hoodies can also be worn by them, I think.

Did you like this collection, or is Evil Panda not one of the stores you like? Which items did you like the most, if there's any?

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