Christmas Competition - Stardoll Dresser

Monday, December 18, 2023

Christmas Competition

Ho Ho Ho!

I received a call from one of Santa's Elves, informing me that Father Christmas will be joining us for Christmas dinner, and I could use a little help putting together the decor.

For this competition, you'll need to create the perfect (according to you) Christmas decor to welcome Santa.


- Design a Christmas-themed room in MY SUITE (MiaColucci - in case anyone doesn't know) using the GoM interior (it's located in one of my superstar rooms);

- Incorporate at least one of the GoM decor items into the decoration (they're all separated in the green room below the one with the interior), and specify the name of the item you have used;

- You can use DIY items (floor, wall, windows, doors, etc), but the room interior must be recognizable (just don't cover it up completely);

- Please capture as much of the room as you can in one picture (you can use an image editor to put the pieces together, if you want to include all the scroll side of the room);

- It's not obligatory to include the doll in the decor, you can hide her somewhere behind something lol;

- You can look at other decorated rooms and pick items from there to include in your decor, if you want;

- Post the pic in the comments and don't forget to include your doll's name;

- Winner will be picked by me.

*PRIZE: 150 SD


To welcome the visit, we always try to impress with the dress, right!? For another chance to win a prize, you can create an outfit for the occasion.


- Use at least one of the clothing pieces from the GoM (they're also in the green superstar room below the one with the GoM interior);

- Send a separate pic from the decor entry (you can include both images in the same comment or in another reply; in the second case, also include your doll's name in the new comment);

- Winners will be picked by a pool.


- 1st place: 50 SD

- 2nd and 3rd place: 25 SD (each one)

DEADLINE: december 25


1- My wardrobe and storage are open for everyone

2- I've more clother in the pink rooms, if someone wants to adventure there (they're always closed but I've opened for this comp)

3- There won't be a minimum number of participants this time for the prize to be fully awarded

4- You can take part in only one of them or both, as you wish

5- If you have any other question, you can ask in the comments or in my guestbook in stardoll, I'll try to respond it asap

*Prizes can be claimed through a bazaar purchase or as wishlist gifts.

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