Holiday Calendar - Day 19 - Stardoll Dresser

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Holiday Calendar - Day 19

Today's calendar item held a surprise for us: two items in one. Does it mean we have 2 items for the 19th? No! This means someone at Stardoll updated today's items with the name of tomorrow's item, and to complete the twist, they also made the 20th item available for purchase.

The item for day 19 is called "19th Candy Cane Decoration," but as we can see in the image, it's written "20th Balenciaga Rope Bag," which is supposed to be tomorrow's release for the calendar. The 13 SD price is also referred to the bag, not the candy cane vase, and both are available in the catalogue.

Another twist to this story is that the Candy Cane Decoration was apparently released some years ago, in 2014 to be more specific, as part of a Limited Edition Decor in a Christmas-themed collection, as you can see in the picture below:

In my opinion, the new item looks better illustrated than the LE one. The shading and forms in the calendar item look amazing, to be honest, and it appears more accurate to the real-life version of the item.

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