March 2024 - Stardoll Dresser

Friday, March 29, 2024

March 29, 2024

(WINNER ANNOUNCED) Easter Competition

(WINNER ANNOUNCED) Easter Competition

Bunny is hopping all the way for a tea party on Sunday after he delivers all the eggs. Can someone help me decorate it to receive our fluffy friend?

For this competition, you'll need to make an Easter decor to welcome Bunny. It can be anything you want (tea party, dinner, visiting room, indoor garden...) as long as it is within the theme.


- Design an Easter themed room in MY SUITE (MiaColucci) using the Kitsch interior (it's located in one of my superstar rooms);

- Incorporate at least one of the GoM decor items into the decoration (they're all separated in the blue room besides the one with the interior);

- You can use DIY items (floor, wall, windows, doors, etc), but the room interior must be recognizable (just don't cover it up completely);

- Please capture as much of the room as you can in one picture (you can use an image editor to put the pieces together, if you want to include all the scroll side of the room);

- It's not obligatory to include the doll in the decor, you can hide her somewhere behind something;

- You can look at other decorated rooms and pick items from there to include in your decor, if you want;

- Post the pic in the comments and don't forget to include your doll's name;

- Winner will be picked by me.

*PRIZE: 150sd


For another chance to win a prize, you can create an outfit for the occasion.


- Use at least one of the clothing pieces from the GoM (they're also in the blue superstar room shown in the screencap above);

- Send a separate pic from the decor entry (you can include both images in the same comment or in another reply; in the second case, also include your doll's name in the new comment);

- Winners will be picked by a pool.


- 1st place: 70sd

- 2nd and 3rd place: 50sd (each one)

DEADLINE: april 6th


1- My wardrobe and storage are open for everyone;

2- I've more clother in the pink rooms, if someone wants to adventure there (they're always closed but I've opened for the comp);

3- A minimum of 5 participants is required, otherwise the prize will be reduced by 50%;

4- You can take part in only one of the comps or both, as you wish;

5- If you have any other question, you can ask in the comments or in my guestbook in stardoll, I'll try to respond it asap.

*Prizes can be claimed through a bazaar purchase or as wishlist gifts.

March 29, 2024

Easter 2024 Quiz

Easter 2024 Quiz
An Easter quiz is also available to take part.

Here are the answers for those who want to take part but don't want to waste time looking for them:

Everyone who enters the competition wins a freebie.

March 29, 2024

Easter 2024 Decor Photo Contest

Easter 2024 Decor Photo Contest
There's a new photo contest hosted by Stardoll, and it consists basically of decorating your room for Easter.

 However, for this, you have to follow these rules:

1. Include at least one Kitsch item from the most recent release.

2. Dress up for the occasion (recommended using items from the Gift-o-Meter).

3. Customize and add an egg from the Design Studio.

You have until April 5th to send your entry. Everyone who joins gets the following free gift:

March 29, 2024


The GoM wasn't the only Easter themed release Stardoll prepared for today; they also added a new Kitsch collection.

This new release came with 2 new floors, including Easter related items and even a big bunny costume (I'm still deciding if it's cute or creepy). I decorated my Easter room some weeks ago, but I might add some more of these pieces to it.

March 29, 2024


I completely forgot that the Gift-o-Meter is also a thing for Easter and had this amazing surprise when I logged into Stardoll today.

All the pieces look lovely, including the egg chandelier, and the Fendi x Pokemon looks super cute. I think my favorite piece is the chair on #3, and my least favorite is the jacket on #6, but I can't wait to go on a shopping spree to get them all.

All pieces from this GoM were made by Vulacano and Lullih. I can't say who made each piece, but thanks to both of them for this pretty surprise. I wish this daisy top were also included in the gifts list.

📸: FB/ Vulacano Stardoll

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

March 27, 2024

Callie's Picks

Callie's Picks
Considering the season, I was expecting something Easter related for today's release, but instead, we received a new Callie's Picks themed "Blooming into Spring". 
Like Miranda Priestly once said: "Florals? For Spring? Groundbreaking."

At this point, I guess everyone agrees that Callie isn't capable of putting any collection together. This one looks like a big mess of pieces with floral patterns.
I wish someone at their office would take a stand for the finish of Callie's Picks or that they decided to have collections curated by users. It's the only possible way to bring this dead brand to life again.

Monday, March 25, 2024

March 25, 2024

Evil Panda

Evil Panda
An Evil Panda collection is the newest release on Stardoll. It came with a combination of black and colorful pieces.

It isn't a small collection, but it also isn't one of the biggest ones. The Fuzzy Boots really caught my attention (maybe because of the size and color). It's definitely one of the items I'll be buying from this release, even though I think they could be improved with better final touches of shading on them.

Friday, March 22, 2024

March 22, 2024

Fashion Furniture

Fashion Furniture
The most recent release to arrive in Starplaza is a Fashion Furniture collection, and I'm enchanted by it.

The collection has an artsy aesthetic, mixing pieces inspired by well-known furniture designs and AI-generated decor.

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

March 20, 2024

Epiphany x Valentino Zodiac Jewellery

Epiphany x Valentino Zodiac Jewellery
Where are the Aries babes? I have good and bad news for you. 
The good news is that today's release is the Aries Valentino jewelry. The bad news is that the symbol is actually the Capricorn one, and the one that was supposed to be Aries was released in December 2023 under the Capricorn sign. It's a total mess that was only noticed now. 
So, if you're an Aries and wanted to have your sign pendant now, I'm so sorry for you. I guess you'll have to wait until the "Capricorn" items go on sale. And if you're a Capricorn, it's your time to get your sign right.

I noticed the difference when googling the rlv for "Valentino zodiac jewelry Aries" and noticed something different in their paws. The Aries ones are together, while in the Capricorn ones they have a space between them (and the fact that the horns are completely different went unnoticed by me all this time). Below, you can see the rlv of the one used as the base for the illustration of the item:

Can't blame Vulacano for this mistake, as both 'pets' look basically the same.

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

March 19, 2024

Weekly Superstar Gift

Weekly Superstar Gift
Oh, well... Seems like I forgot about the weekly free gift in the past weeks, but someone remembered me about them, so here I am to remind you all about it as well.
This week, the superstar gift is the Cloud Purse from yesterday's Pretty 'n Love collection. I'm glad that I haven't bought this bag when it came out and that they picked a cute item to give as a gift.

Monday, March 18, 2024

March 18, 2024

Ramadam 2024 Diary Contest

Ramadam 2024 Diary Contest
I just noticed that there's a new contest on the "What's New" page. It's for Ramadan celebration, and to participate, you have to write and send a text about your favorite food/dishes and other culinary curiosities about you.

You can send your entry untill 25th March and everyone who enters will win the freebies below:

March 18, 2024

Pretty n' Love

Pretty n' Love
This Monday's release is a new Pretty n' Love collection. The items are mainly colored in pastel purple, but also include pink items, which are the registered aesthetic of the brand.

The item I liked the most is the red glitter dress. It stands out from the collection but looks like something designed by Teuta Matoshi, and I really love her dresses.

March 18, 2024

FREE ITEM - St. Patrick's Day

FREE ITEM - St. Patrick's Day
Saint Patrick's Day is celebrated on March 17th in honor of the patron saint of Ireland. And to mark this day, Stardoll has sent us a free gift: a green hat attached with a red beard.

It reminds me of the old days when they used to send us questionable and useless items (though sometimes they were inspired and sent great items as well) for each holiday/celebration around the world.

Saturday, March 16, 2024

March 16, 2024

Young Hollywood

Young Hollywood
The not awaited Young Hollywood arrived in the plaza yesterday. JeanetteDoll informed us on the Royalty Club that the store would be released at 19:15 Stockholm time, along with a countdown on Stardoll Instagram. However, at the specified time, they made a new post stating that it would be delayed, which isn't a surprise; we know very well that they aren't good with deadlines.

This new collection is inspired by the 2024 Oscars and had 4 floors with a lot of items; this time, they haven't forgotten about jewelry and shoes. There are a total of 25 looks, 4 for male dolls and all the others for female dolls.

Most of the items are sold out, but there are still some copies left of others. If someone missed it yesterday, you still have a chance to get them.

Thursday, March 14, 2024

March 14, 2024

50% more stardollars for YH

50% more stardollars for YH
The 3rd Young Hollywood in a row is about to come to Stardoll tomorrow. The announcement came along with a 50% extra Stardollars top-up offer in selected packages valid until March 17th. 

I don't remember if we had something like this happening in the past, a YH per month. This time for sure the collection will be inspired by the Oscars. Which outfit do you expect to see in the release?

Edit: By purchasing any SS or SD pack, you'll receive for free a special offer dress (which comes with the Young Hollywood tag). The dress is inspired by the one the reporter Keltie Knight wore on the Oscars red carpet and is designed by Celia Kritharioti. You can see both, real life and stardoll versions below:

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

March 13, 2024


It hasn't been a long time since we had the last Basics release, so I was impressed by having a new one so quickly. It seems like Stardoll is trying hard to get away with our starcoins fast.

I have some mixed feelings about this collection. I liked some items a lot, but others still haven't convinced me. I wish that the knit vest on the 1st floor was separated from the blouse. But as always, I'll buy the entire collection (with time, ofc, because I need to get more coins).

Monday, March 11, 2024

March 11, 2024

Windows on the World - Ramadan

Windows on the World - Ramadan
Apparently, today's release is just one window from Windows on the World, special for Ramadan. It's been some years since they started with this Ramadan WotW themed collection, but it seems like every year they reduce the quantity of items in this release, but at least they kept the quality.

Sunday, March 10, 2024

March 10, 2024

Stardoll Dresser Games #5

Stardoll Dresser Games #5
Hello, hello, dolls! Welcome to another Stardoll Dresser Games edition. For this week, anticipating the Easter egg hunt, I've prepared a hide-and-seek game for you.

For this game, you'll have to find 6 boxes I've spread in my rooms. All rooms that make part of this game are open for everyone to see. When you find the missing boxes, you can take a screenshot of the exact place you found them or write it in the comments, specifying the room and place you spotted the boxes.

Below, you can see the image of the item I'm referring to:

For those who use a browser, here's the link to my doll suite. If you use the launcher, just look for MiaColucci in the search bar.

The first commenter containing all 6 exact places where I placed the boxes will win one of the March OotM outfits.

Friday, March 8, 2024

March 08, 2024

Velvet Orchid

Velvet Orchid
This time, the release came earlier, but I was late, sorry... Back to the point of this post, today the store that received an update was Velvet Orchid.

All the items from this new collection fit on only one floor (only the tulip bag shown on the second mannequin of the main window was left on the second floor). As you can see, we have a pair of earrings and shorts in SC. I'm really enjoying them adding coins pieces in every release now because this currency was kinda useless unless the release was basics.
In general, this collection hasn't appealed to me, but when I have time, I'll definitely look at it again to see if I can work with something.

March 08, 2024

International Women's Day Quiz!

International Women's Day Quiz!
March 8th is known as International Women's Day, and for this day, Stardoll introduced a new competition quiz. 
Below, you can see the questions and the correct answers to submit for a chance to win stardollars.

This time, there is no free gift for entering the contest.

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

March 06, 2024

Outfit of the Month

Outfit of the Month
The new looks from OOTM arrived at Plaza today, and thankfully, this time, at least one of the outfits looks a little different from the aesthetics we are used to.
This time, the monthly outfits were created by ninasstar and leticiahbtr. It's the first time for both of them to be chosen for OOTM.

I personally liked leticiahbtr's outfit more, as it's the first time we have this coquettish aesthetic in the OOTM. Also, the fact that there's one item (Miu Miu hair clip) in sc makes it even better. From ninasstar's look, I only bought the sunglasses, as this dress doesn't fit my style, and I think it will be a hard job trying to mix and match it with other pieces besides the ones included in the look.

I hope we can be pleasantly surprised in the next months with different looks than what we've had in the past. I think we've had enough of black and nude looks. I do really like black items; they make up the biggest part of my closet. However, I need to see more diversity in OOTM, even if the pieces aren't my style.

Monday, March 4, 2024

March 04, 2024
A new collection has arrived at Starplaza today. The collection has three new floors and seems pretty basic at first glance.

Just because it's an everyday clothing store doesn't mean the items need to be simple and boring. I'm sure Nelly has more cute clothes in its catalog to be picked. However, I have to say some of the items have potential individually from the collection (just need to find which ones).