Jean Paul Gaultier Tribute - Stardoll Dresser

Monday, July 15, 2024

Jean Paul Gaultier Tribute

For someone who was expecting the tributes this season to be the same as the past ones based on a suggestion list made by the Stardoll users, logging in today and finding out that the tibute of the day is a JPG was shocking—in a good way, of course!

The store has 3 floors, just like the previous tribute. So, I guess we can expect this number of floors for all tributes this season. Among the items, we can also find clothing pieces for starcoins. As I've mentioned before, it's a plus for the tribute season (since the previows one this year) and great to see that after all this time, the game is giving importance to this currency that a lot of users see as "trash" since we could only buy Basics with them.
There are also 2 complete male outfits and some other single items that have male versions. The jewelry and hair accessories come in both suite and BP versions. The only thing missing in this collection are bags; I wish they could have included at least one.

I personally liked this Jean Paul Gaultier collection more than the Miu Miu one. Maybe it's because it's been a long time since we last had a JPG tribute in the game, and I (and maybe most of the users) weren't expecting it. I practically bought everything on the first two floors without thinking twice. I hope I don't regret it and can make outfits anytime soon.
The collection offers a fresh and exciting range of items that stand out from the usual tributes we've seen recently, I'd say it's because the unique aesthetic and designs from JPG. This tribute did not disappoint, and I can't wait to see what will come next.

A special offer item was also released, if you buy any Superstar pack or any Stardollars pack (again with the exception of the cheapest one that contains 90sd), you'll get a free JPG dress, you can check it below:

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